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Top 10 Ways to Improve Your Property's EPC Rating

Top 10 Ways to Improve Your Property's EPC Rating


Improving your property's Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating is not only beneficial for the environment but also can increase the value of your property and reduce energy costs. In this article, we explore the top 10 ways to enhance your property's EPC rating, making it more energy-efficient and attractive to potential buyers or tenants.

1. Upgrade to Energy Efficient Windows

Replacing old, draughty windows with double or triple-glazed energy-efficient ones can significantly reduce heat loss, thereby improving your property's EPC rating.

2. Insulate Your Loft and Walls

Proper insulation in lofts and cavity walls can drastically reduce heat loss. Even adding insulation to solid walls, though more expensive, can be highly effective in improving your EPC rating.

3. Upgrade Your Heating System

Modern, efficient heating systems use less energy to heat your home. Consider replacing old boilers with newer, more efficient models or even renewable heating systems like heat pumps.

4. Install Solar Panels

Solar panels can significantly improve your property's EPC rating by generating renewable energy. They can also reduce electricity bills and provide a potential income through feed-in tariffs.

5. Use LED Lighting

Replacing traditional light bulbs with LED lighting can reduce energy consumption, as LEDs are more efficient and have a longer lifespan.

6. Seal Gaps and Draughts

Sealing gaps around doors and windows can prevent draughts and heat loss. Simple draught-proofing measures can be a cost-effective way to improve your EPC rating.

7. Install Smart Thermostats

Smart thermostats allow for better control of heating and can optimise energy usage by learning your schedule and heating preferences, contributing to a higher EPC rating.

8. Upgrade to Energy-Efficient Appliances

Replacing old, inefficient appliances with newer, energy-rated ones can reduce your property's overall energy consumption, positively impacting the EPC rating.

9. Add External Wall Insulation

For properties with solid walls, adding external insulation can greatly improve heat retention and enhance the property's appearance while boosting its EPC rating.

10. Consider Renewable Energy Sources

Beyond solar panels, other renewable energy sources like biomass boilers or wind turbines can also improve your property's EPC rating while reducing reliance on non-renewable energy sources.


Improving your property's EPC rating is an investment that pays off in the long term. It enhances energy efficiency, reduces bills, increases property value, and contributes to a more sustainable environment. Start with the simplest changes and gradually work towards more significant upgrades to see a substantial improvement in your property's energy performance.